Friday, September 21, 2012

Handle the Friday, Embrace the Saturday

Thank goodness it's Friday. Second best day of the week, by all rights. This is just the intro to the greatness that is Saturday. My favorite day of the week. Why? Saturday has it all--you can wake up when you feel like it, do what you want in between, and pretty much sleep at whatever hour you please. If you're a 9-to-5 type like yours truly, no other day offers such versatility.

Let's get to the waking up part. Sure, there's probably a hangover that needs shaking off from. Or maybe you're not a partyer and can simply sleep in till the sun gets all the way up. Or perhaps it's something in between. It doesn't matter. You can literally lie in bed all day if that's the thing. Point is, there's no need for an alarm clock. Hell, my phone's alarm never goes off on a Saturday--if the phone's even on.

As for whenever it is you do decide to get up and get around to sorting the day's activities (or inactivities) out, it's an open book. Fishing? Sure. Golf? Why not, if the weather permits. Sleeping in on the couch while watching College Football or College Hoops? Hell, that's something. Or maybe you want to and do all the chores that needed doing during the week and you weren't feeling it. And when the sun sets, you can party to your heart's content (which is my thing) and not worry about whenever it ends.

Speaking of the end, that's Saturday night. Here in Orlando, the end usually begins after leaving whatever club or bar I was in and getting a pedi-cab ride to Five Guys Burgers & Fries or Gringos Locos. Late night cuisine, and getting home in one piece. That's how I roll. And that can be around 03:00. Or later. You can basically take Saturday night and make it whatever it is you wish. A quiet day, a wild night on the town, or you could catch a show.

In the end, Saturday's about versatility. It's a pound of clay that can be molded into whatever pleases you at the moment. It could be planned or played by ear along the way. Or you could ignore all of that and nap it all away. It doesn't matter. It's Saturday, it's tomorrow, and it's the best day of the week. Go out there and enjoy it, world.

1 comment:

  1. All parents of the world rue this post and plan a revolt. ;-) Oh, and this is P. Why does it say Admin. MOTHERlover.
